Queen V
價格是OEM思維,價值是Brand思維。你要做的是微利代工,還是暴利品牌?From Price to Value,從價格到價值這一條代工廠必須突破的道路,該如何走?這是全球化環境下的自主創新,不管是台灣或是大陸現階段發展所需面對的重要課題。
以前Made in Taiwan被譽為廉價商品,常在美國電影裡看見故障不耐用的東西就會多一句台詞:Made in Taiwan,如今Made in China已經取而代之,就迫切度而言台灣的商業轉型比大陸更燃眉之急,然而就鬥志上來說,大陸的急起直追才是不可忽視的潛力。
有一本書叫做「從中國價格到中國價值」,該書也警覺到Made in China商品,面臨價格優勢難以為繼的局面,因為還會有更多Made in Vietnam或者Made in India的後浪讓是世界工廠被取而代之,價格戰讓獲利變成血流成河的廝殺,徒留一地創業家傷心淚,所以該書也說讓「中國製造」成為中國「智」造;「價格」不重要,「價值」才是王道!
價值本身就是一種主觀立場,端看因時因地而決定,比如一瓶礦泉水在台灣不到1美金左右買得到,在中東沙漠他的價值可不是1美金就可以解渴的!名牌包包也是如此,在第三世界加工製造的皮革,印上Logo運到百貨公司架上,價錢翻身百倍,有人非常不認同他的價錢,但有人可以掏腰包掏得心甘情願,問題為何?他看中的是那個名牌的價值而非價格。價格是有形的,價值是無形的,在經濟大蕭條時代通常會是價格凌駕價值的時候,Queen V戲稱這種為淫慾價,飽暖思淫慾,吃不飽時需求絕對凌駕於虛榮之上。
一個公司提供給客戶的服務或產品,從客戶角度來看有三種不同的價值時期。以產品生命週期而言:產品導入期會以Performance Value登場,到了成熟期由於市面上同質產品競爭激烈,所以可能會經歷一番Price Value的低價廝殺,如果在這時想要開創藍海,則必須思考產品的創新或是品牌的利基建立,Relational Value的價值這時就會出現。
創新客戶價值最常引用的例子就是Apple的iPod,在那個walkman殺到遍體鱗傷的時代,Tony Fadell研發出iPod產品概念後,還定位的他的品牌價值和客群Apple組一個35人的研發小組,成員包含飛利浦、東芝、德儀……等知名品牌的公司,在六個月內上市並建立以iPod為平台之經營模式,這是最為人所樂道的品牌故事了。
For most customers price by itself is not the key factor when a purchase is being considered. This is because most customers compare the entire marketing offering and do not simply make their purchase decision based solely on a product’s price. In essence when a purchase situation arises price is one of several variables customers evaluate when they mentally assess a product’s overall value.
As we discussed back in the What is Marketing? tutorial, value refers to the perception of benefits received for what someone must give up. Since price often reflects an important part of what someone gives up, a customer’s perceived value of a product will be affected by a marketer’s pricing decision. Any easy way to see this is to view value as a calculation:
Value = perceived benefits received /perceived price paid
For the buyer value of a product will change as perceived price paid and/or perceived benefits received change. But the price paid in a transaction is not only financial it can also involve other things that a buyer may be giving up. For example, in addition to paying money a customer may have to spend time learning to use a product, pay to have an old product removed, close down current operations while a product is installed or incur other expenses. However, for the purpose of this tutorial we will limit our discussion to how the marketer sets the financial price of a transaction.
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