2010年11月10日 星期三

一字千金賣翻天_商業文案技巧part I

一字千金賣翻天_商業文案技巧part I
Queen V

為什麼有些產品會大賣?為什麼這樣一個屌字就大賣?答案很簡單因為產品優點能傳達給你的TA (Target Audience),他們懂你在說什麼,因為你說了行話!所以第一個重點來了:傳達產品的優點,業績自然開紅盤大賣。
重點一:優點 = 產品slogan
Miss V提醒你回想一下,貴公司的產品優點是?做個功課吧!

既然說到產品slogan,就應該要了解標語的寫法,其實只要一行字,產品就能賣,但你也不要一行寫得那麼長,又不在比賽最長的歌名,附帶腦筋急轉彎一問,你可知目前國語歌壇上最長的歌名是?本來是「是不是這樣的夜晚你才會這樣的想起我-吳宗憲」,後來被冰淇淋少女組打敗了「在沒有雨水滋潤的星球上是無法付出愛的吧? 」Queen V要說的是,不要寫這麼長,OK ?這是錯誤的示範。

1. 蒐集產品資訊(分析一下SWOT)。
2. 分析問卷調查的結果(Queen V說:如果有機會就作一下問卷調查,以免閉門造車、孤芳自賞)。
3. 列舉產品優點:條列出來,一條條寫出來,不要怕很白癡或麻煩。
4. 分析人、時、地及狀況,古話說得好要天時地利人和,不然說出來只是冷場。
5. 修改成簡潔訊息,短短短,不要落落長。
6. 挑幾個出來,拿給主要TA作ㄧ下上市前票選測試。
Queen V還是簡化一行,方便記憶à 
5W1Swhat, why, when, where, who, simple

Queen V下次分享商業文案技巧part 2_換湯不換藥的成熟產品文案。

歡迎轉載「MBA商感情」系列文章,煩請附上出處為MBA商感情http://mbaboss.blogspot.com/ 感謝您尊重著作,喜歡分享。
合作、諮詢或演講請來信聯絡Queen V,謝謝。

2010年8月28日 星期六

Request for appointment

安排會面 / Request for appointment
Queen V
Dear Ms. Nono,
I will be in Hsinchu on February 3 and would like to meet with you at your office to discuss clearing supplies you may need in the second half of the year.
I have enclosed our latest catalog. Please note the items in yellow highlight. They are special values or new products that A-1 Cleaners will want to take advantage of now.
I will contact you later this week to schedule an appointment. If you need to get in touch with me, call me at xxx-xxx-xxxx. I look forward to talking with you. Thank you for your continued business.
P.S. See page 68 of our catalog for a great value on our most-ordered product choice!
Sincerely yours,
Yes Man
Marketing Manager
TEL: xxx-xxx-xxxx
FAX: xxx-xxx-xxxx
歡迎轉載「MBA商感情」系列文章,煩請附上出處為MBA商感情http://mbaboss.blogspot.com/ 感謝您尊重著作,喜歡分享。合作、諮詢或演講請來信聯絡Queen V,謝謝。

2010年7月29日 星期四


Queen V

常常有人會問,行銷和業務的責任區分,這兩個孿生兄弟一樣,長得像卻又大異其趣,行銷人員最常見的矛盾就是我這樣做會不會踩了業務的線?Queen V提供一個解套的方法,讓大家相安無事,記住:行銷是吸引客人上門,業務是完成客人交易。只要掌握原則大家就相安無事,話說回來,行銷人員可從來沒業績獎金,不需要幫業務成交還幫他數鈔票,這叫白目。

網路行銷這一塊就讓傳統的行銷和業務邊際開始混淆起來,客戶在網路上達成交易算是行銷的功勞還是業務的績效?老實說現在還是網路行銷的戰國時代,其實原則還是一樣,Queen V認為不久的將來,既然有網路行銷這回事,網路業務應該也會追上,在此就帶過這兩方的愛恨情仇,回歸網路行銷的吸睛大法。行銷人員練功看過來啦!吸引力!吸引力!吸引力!吸睛大法八招如下:

1. 必爭之境SEO,搜尋引擎優化
2. Blog不可荒廢,晨昏定耕
3. 開箱文或發表評論增加行情
4. 社群行銷是經營粉絲的必殺計
5. 借力使力,善用媒體大嘴巴散佈訊息
6. 電子郵件行銷百年不敗
7. 魚幫水水幫魚,異業結盟互相褒獎
8. 花小錢賺名聲,關鍵字廣告必敗

以上八招吸睛大法是Queen V在任職的網路媒體裡所磨練出來的心法,號稱發財八招,在後續的日子裡,將會深入淺出的說清楚,也請默默吸收就好,越少人知道越好不需廣而告知,以確保你在行銷界才混得久,站得住。
歡迎轉載「MBA商感情」系列文章,煩請附上出處為MBA商感情http://mbaboss.blogspot.com/ 感謝您尊重著作,喜歡分享。合作、諮詢或演講請來信聯絡Queen V,謝謝。

2010年6月24日 星期四


Queen V



Is Social Media Killing the Campaign Microsite?

-By Brian Morrissey

Digital advocates often proclaim the imminent death of the 30-second spot, but the interactive industry might now be witnessing the demise of its own version of the commercial: the campaign microsite.

The growth of social media is causing marketers to realize they cannot expect consumers to always seek them out. Web widgets and video-sharing tools make it easy for any user to take content that formerly might have lived only on a brand site with them wherever they go. And social media sites help them share that content with friends.

“We really believe in fishing where the fish are,” said Carol Kruse, vp of global interactive marketing at Coca-Cola. “The old model is to build your own site, then spend media dollars to bring them there.”

Coca-Cola brand Sprite last week introduced its newest destination to interact with consumers on the Web. But rather than roll out a dedicated site, the soft drink debuted a customizable animated character called Sprite Sips on Facebook’s newly launched brand pages. At the Sprite Sips page, users can watch videos, listen to music and start discussions. Unlike a standalone site, the Sprite Sips page is linked into the social network, broadcasting to users’ friends their affinity for the brand. It ties into the Sprite Yard, the brand’s foray into mobile social networking.

Dove, Chase and Verizon also have developed pages, which are free to advertisers. Development costs are also lower. Coke bypassed its agencies for Sprite Sips, working with Facebook and a five-person team of freelance application developers.

To be sure, campaign microsites may be a staple of the “old model,” but they are by most accounts not facing extinction—although their role will probably be diminished from star to player in a cast of channels that also includes MySpace, YouTube and widgets. The idea is to spread content far and wide to find audiences wherever they are.

“It’s now fighting with social media and online advertising,” said Mat Zucker, executive creative director of Agency.com, an Omnicom digital shop. “It’s hard to know where to spend your money.”

The shift of younger audiences to social networking is causing some brands to rethink the need for a microsite altogether. After all, MySpace has 100 million users and Facebook another 50 million. MySpace has been the official home of several youth-oriented movies since 20th Century Fox created a page for last year’s John Tucker Must Die. Recent movies Sydney White and Mr. Woodcock relied on MySpace pages rather than standalone sites. With a MySpace profile instead of a microsite, Fox agency Deep Focus was able to turn the John Tucker presence into more than a place for fans to see trailers and download wallpaper. Instead, it was the home for the movie’s titular character and interacted with MySpace profiles for other characters in the film and even fans who “friended” him.

“We had interplay going on that matched up to the plot,” said Ian Schafer, CEO of Deep Focus. “Because it was an ever-changing thing, people kept coming back.”

Deep Focus extended that approach to promote HBO’s Flight of the Conchords. After deciding to offer fans a chance to watch a preview episode, Deep Focus recommended against centering the campaign on a microsite. Instead, the episode first debuted on MySpace, followed by release through a dozen other video sites. HBO.com acted as the official destination, but most views came from affiliate sites or personal Web pages that had embedded MySpace video players, Schafer said.

Even one of the most famous microsites, Burger King’s Subservient Chicken, probably would not go that route today, according to Rick Webb, chief operating office of The Barbarian Group, the independent Boston digital shop that created it in 2004. Instead, he said he’d suggest something through Instant Messenger, a social network or video game to reach young males.

The rise of the microsite as the catchall was due in part to marketers looking at the Web as simply an add-on to its traditional media campaigns, Webb said. But for brands looking to reach a young demographic, the Web has now evolved to the point where it is easier to find them in places like MySpace. “We know where they are on the Web now,” Webb said.

As a result, Barbarian Group, which has built its reputation crafting microsites, has moved away from them. Instead, the “Beer Canon” campaign for client Milwaukee’s Best relied on viral videos that lived on YouTube. “It was really hard for us because [microsites] were our bread and butter,” Webb said. “But we know it’s often not right for the clients.”

What’s more, in a world where content is often found through Google, microsites with short shelf lives tied to campaigns have the disadvantage of getting low ranks in search results, said Adam Lavelle, chief strategy officer at iCrossing, a digital agency in New York. “I don’t understand how, long term, [a microsite] builds brand equity, and with search I don’t see that having long-term visibility,” he said.

However, the microsite is still top of mind in many campaigns because of the conditioning of agencies to “create objects,” said Colleen DeCourcy, chief digital officer at TBWA Worldwide. “If you’re going to throw up a microsite, it better have reason to be,” she said. “There are all kinds of forms for things to take.”

Not everyone is convinced the microsite is ready for retirement. Mark Kingdon, CEO of Organic, an Omnicom shop, says efforts by brands to go beyond messaging will not lead them away from microsites. “I actually see the opposite happening,” he said. “Clients are asking for rich and immersive experiences in which to showcase their brands.”

For Kruse, the new options come at a time when companies like Coke are thinking more strategically about their digital initiatives, rather than looking at them as add-ons to traditional media. “We’re building a network of experiences,” she said.

歡迎轉載「MBA商感情」系列文章,煩請附上出處為MBA商感情http://mbaboss.blogspot.com/ 感謝您尊重著作,喜歡分享。合作、諮詢或演講請來信聯絡
Queen V,謝謝。

2010年3月10日 星期三

Web2.0之你是我的花朵 Part 2

Web2.0之你是我的花朵 Part 2 (成為web2.0簡單達人版系列)
Queen V

2006年美國時代雜誌選出關鍵字是 – YOU,他是這麼說的:
Yes, You.
You control the Information Age.
Welcome to your world.
淺而易見點出web2.0的重點完全是繞著使用者 - 你!量身訂作的。我們來看看以下這張圖區別出2.0和1.0的不同(圖片取自blog.aysoon.com)。


那如何讓你的web2.0網站稱得上名正言順,Queen V歸納了以下的原則,你的知名度馬上很夯~


歡迎轉載「MBA商感情」系列文章,煩請附上出處為MBA商感情http://mbaboss.blogspot.com/ 感謝您尊重著作,喜歡分享。合作、諮詢或演講請來信聯絡Queen V,謝謝。